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Activists Claim Police Harassment

November 18th, 2003

Activists groups in Miami for the Free Trade Area of the Americas are expressing anger over treatment they are labeling "police harassment."

At a press conference in front of Miami City Hall Monday, activist organizations and supporters condemned what they see as police behavior over the past couple of weeks leading up to FTAA.

"We are documenting and gathering evidence of misconduct in order to hold the police, the city, and specifically Mayor (Manny) Diaz accountable and to take any necessary legal action," said Andrea Costello, an attorney with the National Lawyers Guild and Miami Activist Defense.

"Police Chief (John) Timoney is well known for his preemptive tactics in Philadelphia at the Republican Convention," said Lisa Fithian, with United For Peace and Justice.

"The unlawful closure of the puppet warehouse and the illegal arrests of dozens of protestors in Philadelphia are the types of activity we expect in Miami," Fithian said.

Activists say that police have repeatedly broken promises to them. They said that police said they would allow impartial legal observers who would be identified by a bright green hat, and whose role it is to record police conduct and arrests as they occur.

Henry Harris, of MAD, said, "I was told by high ranking police officers ... that that role would be respected. Yet, it appears that the police did not intend on keeping their word." "While witnessing the unlawful arrest of four activists this past Tuesday, I was then arrested on false charges," Harris said.

The four activists whose arrests were being witnessed by Harris were charged with blocking a sidewalk.

Activist groups including United For Peace and Justice, Citizen Trade Campaign and Miami Activist Defense threatened collective legal action against police unless behavior they see as harassment stops.

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