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Charges dropped in protester trial

Miami Herald
January 21st, 2004


A Miami-Dade judge on Tuesday dropped charges in the first trial related to a demonstrator arrested during November's Free Trade Area of the Americas meetings after a police officer failed to show up and testify.
County Judge Rosa Figarola dropped the misdemeanor charges against Ernesto Longo after one of the two subpoenaed police officers failed to appear, but she said prosecutors could refile the charges.
Longo, 34, of Hollywood, was arrested Nov. 21 by Miami-Dade police on charges of failure to obey a lawful police order and refusal to disperse.
If convicted, he could have been sentenced to a maximum of 60 days in jail, six months probation and $500 fine.
State attorney's spokesman Ed Griffith said prosecutors haven't decided whether to refile the charges.
Prosecutor Bart Armstrong asked the judge to reschedule the trial after Miami-Dade Lt. Jeffrey Schmidlinger, who had issued an order for protesters to disperse, failed to appear in court.
The judge refused.
Officer Christopher Moon, who had arrested Longo, came to the courtroom.
A police spokesman said a supervisor had told Schmidlinger he had been given a standby subpoena and wasn't told to be at court. Griffith said the officer had been told to appear.

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