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Panel examines weapons police used in protests

Miami Herald
May 11th, 2004

Miami's Civilian Investigative Panel saw an arsenal of ''less-than-lethal'' weaponry Monday as part of the group's investigation into police conduct during the 2003 Free Trade Area of the Americas summit.

Some groups have complained the police were heavy-handed when treating even nonviolent FTAA protesters. But police Chief John Timoney defended Miami police again Monday, saying their use of taser guns, bean-bag projectiles and tear-gas squirting ''pepper balls'' was both restrained and targeted.

''Here's the choice,'' Timoney said during a three-hour meeting. ``You use [weaponry] like that, or you have the cops whaling into the crowd with nightsticks.''

Timoney and his command staff answered 41 questions submitted last week. Their answers portrayed a well-planned and executed operation -- in stark contrast with lodged complaints.

Committee Chairwoman Janet McAliley said the panel still needs the police department's ``operational plan.''

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